The cut of the gown most recommended is short. However, for those who dream of a train, the alternative of a long Wedding Gown and Silk Stole Wrap sewn in a fluid and flowing fabric that exudes the sensation of lightness, is the sought-after alternative. The best choices for both dress and wrap accessories are certainly natural silk satin, silk chiffon, or cotton-silk blends to lend the bride features of a refined pearl.
The most alluring way of all to enhance the Wedding Gown is with drops of color and the addition of Silk Stole Wrap Accessories with floral or marine designs and motifs that bring out the blues of the sea, the gold of starfish or the many shades of coral present all around her.
Wedding guests will simply admire the elegance of a Bride by the Sea wrapped in Silk!
View White Stole's entire collection of Stoles, Silk Stole Wraps, Vintage Stoles, Stole Capes and Shawls for purchase, or rental, on our website.